We are partners of the
REICH Thermoprozesstechnik GmbH in 73579 Schechingen
Manufacturer of high-performance and successful AirMaster® Universal smoking and ripening equipment
Find out more about our product portfolio for the refinement of meat and sausages, fish products, cheese, poultry and other delicacies and experience the benefits that are vital to your business success. REICH offers innovative solutions, whether for trade or industry on the topics of smoking, cooking, baking, tires, cooling and thawing.
Please contact us. We will advise you.
По телефону +49 7181 – 990953, через E-Mail или по средствам контактного формуляра.
Our product portfolio:
- Universalanlagen AIRMASTER® UK (externe Raucherzeuger)
- Universalanlagen AIRMASTER® UKF (integrierter Raucherzeuger)
- Universalanlagen AIRMASTER® UKQ (Querstrom)
- Universalanlagen AIRMASTER® IC (mit Schnellabkühlung)
- Koch- und Backanlagen
- Backkammern
- Intensivkühlanlagen
- Raucherzeuger
- Auftauanlagen
- Klima-Reifeanlagen
- Kochkessel
The AirMaster® UK is a real all-rounder. Its advantages are fast process times and high quality workmanship.
Its price / performance ratio convinced.
UK-universal systems can be delivered in all desired sizes from 1 to 14 wagons with a single- or double-breasted driveway.
All known smoke generator systems like glowing smoke, steam smoke, Friktionsrauch and liquid smoke can be employed when AirMaster® UK.
AIRMASTER® UK Einwagenanlagen
AirMaster® UK-Einwagenanlagen can be supplied in 5 different sizes, and with all the smoke generator systems.
Extensive optional equipment can be selected: climate package – high-temperature version – viewing window – cooling shower – Automatic door opening – Visualization – etc..
The AirMaster® UKF SmartSmoker has already made a name in practice. Built the new cone head Friction producers in the chamber door, which offers high performance and quiet operation of smoke. An extremely space-saving smoke house.
The AirMaster® UKQ AIRJET is the world’s most powerful cross-flow smoke house. Especially for lying products provides the UKQ AIRJET production capacities that were previously not possible. Like all AirMaster® convinced of UKQ AIRJET by extensive variety of applications.
The new IC AirMaster® the goods can be cooked, dry heat and cooled for immediate packaging in one process run produced. And without moving the chamber carriage.
AirMaster® KK cooking chambers used for brewing and cooking in steam. The steam is generated by on-site low-pressure steam injection or steam generating over fresh water evaporation.
AirMaster® KBK cooking, drying and Heißluftgarkammern.
AirMaster® BKQ AirJet is the high-performance baking chamber of empire. With cross-flow air circulation temperatures can be up to 572° F.
The REICH intensive cooling system is used for rapid cooling of cooked or hot cooked goods. Whether shower cooling, intensive cooling, drying or evacuation. The AirMaster® IKK guarantees for improved cooling of the products.
REICH smoke generators
This smoke generator systems, we offer:
- MaxxSmoker, the wood chips smoke generators
- NaturalSmoker, that sawdust smoker
- SteamSmoker, the steam smoke generator
- FrictionSmoker, the original Friction producers
- SmartSmoker, with Friction smoker in the chamber door
- LiquidSmoker, the liquid smoke system
The REICH smoke generator systems are the result of years of development. All presented Smoke generators were perfectly matched to the AirMaster® series. Cooperate with the UNICONTROL control systems of REICH automatically the smoke generator and correspond in their design and their safety equipment to the current state of the art.
Frozen meat often must be thawed prior to further processing to a temperature around zero or above. This process is done by the AirMaster® ATA extremely gently and with utmost precision.
AIRMASTER® ATA defrosting systems will be incorporated into on-site facilities.
REICH AIR maturing systems are designed for ripening, drying, Climatic smoke and Nachreifeverfahren for raw sausage and ham.
For every requirement the right plant is configured. Available are plants from 1 cars to 300 cars for all heating systems and cold media. On request with EcoMizer to use the outside air.
Cook Master (Kochmeister)
REICH KOCHMEISTER Cauldron offer many advantages:
- quality, sturdy construction made completely of stainless steel
- Heat insulation Full
- Heating for electric, gas, oil or steam
- Cover insulated with silicone seal and safety grip
- Multifunction electronic controller for operating and core temperature
Click here for REICH Thermoprozesstechnik GmbH